science reveals the foods you should eat

It is not news to anyone that the vagina does not always smell the same. The smell of this area can vary depending on various factors, and diet is one of them. Recent studies reveal that what a woman consumes can directly influence her intimate aroma. For example, foods such as garlic and onion have the ability to modify vaginal odor due to the compounds they contain.

This topic, often considered taboo, has been the subject of scientific analysis that offers a deeper understanding of the relationship between diet and the chemical composition of body fluids. According to research published in the Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, Certain foods alter bodily secretions, including vaginal secretions.

He garlicknown for its multiple benefits, contains sulfur compounds that, when digested, are released through the skin and other secretions. This has been confirmed by a team from the University of California, which detected changes in vaginal odor after eating this food.

But not only garlic has this effect; Other foods such as asparagus, certain fish and onions can also influence the intimate aroma.

Other factors beyond diet

Vaginal odor can be affected by various factors beyond dietand it is important to understand that It is completely normal for the vagina to have a slight odor.which should not be a cause for concern in most cases. This natural odor varies between women and can be influenced by hormonal changes, personal hygiene, the menstrual cycle, infections and other external and internal factors. In fact, research suggests that The vagina’s natural odor is, in part, due to the presence of pheromones, which may play a role in sexual attraction by communicating fertility information.

However, certain strong or unpleasant odors can be indicative of health problems who need medical attention.

Masks for the vagina: a very intimate beauty routine
Masks for the vagina: a very intimate beauty routinefreepik

Hormonal changes

One of the main factors that influence vaginal odor is hormonal changes. During the menstrual cycle, The smell may change due to fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone. Many women notice a more intense smell during ovulation, when pheromones peak and can make vaginal odor more noticeable.

During pregnancy, increased hormones can also alter the odor of the vagina. In addition, During menopause, decreased estrogen levels can dry out the vagina and change its normal aroma.

Hygiene and type of underwear

Personal hygiene plays a fundamental role in maintaining a healthy vaginal odor. Maintain good hygiene, such as Washing only with water or using mild, unscented soaps on the vulvar area can help prevent the buildup of odor-causing bacteria. It is important to avoid using harsh soaps or douches, as they can upset the natural vaginal pH balance and cause infections or an unpleasant odor. Besides, Urinating after sex and changing underwear regularly can help prevent the buildup of sweat and fluids that can contribute to bad odor.Wear cotton underwear It also allows better breathability, preventing moisture from accumulating.

Vaginal infections

Vaginal infections are another important factor that can drastically change vaginal odor. One of the most common infections is bacterial vaginosis (BV), which produces a characteristic fishy smell due to imbalance in bacteria in the vagina. This odor can intensify after sexual intercourse. Another common infection is candidiasiswhich causes excessive fungal growth in the vagina, causing a sweet or beer- or bread-like odor. These infections are also often accompanied by symptoms such as itching, burning, and changes in vaginal discharge. In these cases, it is important to consult a doctor to receive appropriate treatment and avoid complications.

Unprotected sexual relations

Sexual intercourse can also influence vaginal odor. Semen, having an alkaline pH, can interact with the more acidic pH of the vagina and create a temporary odor after intercourse. Additionally, some lubricants with aromas or flavors can alter the chemical balance of the vagina and produce unwanted odors. The use of condoms can help prevent these types of alterations in vaginal pH, and it is recommended to wash the vulva with water after sexual intercourse to keep the area clean and reduce the risk of bad odors.

Monthly products

Menstrual products, such as pads, can trap odor, especially if they are not changed frequently. Many women notice a metallic odor due to blood during their menstrual cycle. opt for The menstrual cup can help reduce the perception of odor, since the blood does not come into contact with the air and does not oxidize. Changing menstrual products regularly is essential to maintaining good hygiene during your period.

Very tight clothing

Wearing clothing also has an impact on vaginal odor. Tight clothing or clothing made of synthetic materials can generate moisture and sweat, which encourages the growth of bacteria and fungi. Sweat accumulated in the genital area, along with vaginal discharge or semen residue, can cause uncomfortable odors. Wearing cotton underwear and avoiding clothing that is too tight helps keep the area dry and free of bad odors.

Other tricks to make your vagina smell good

He vaginal microbiome It is essential to maintain a healthy smell, and probioticswhich promote the growth of beneficial bacteria, help balance the vaginal flora and prevent infections such as bacterial vaginosis or candidiasis, which can generate bad odors. To keep a vagina in optimal condition, it is important to take care of your diet, stay well hydrated and follow good hygiene habits, moderating the consumption of certain foods that can affect body odor. Since each body is different, it is essential to listen to the body’s signals and maintain a healthy balance.

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