This is the age at which you should stop drinking coffee due to the risk of cognitive decline

Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages on the planet, which contains compounds such as caffeine and antioxidants that can offer multiple health benefits. However, the impact of its consumption on the cognitive health of older adults has been the subject of great debate among experts.

Now, a new study reveals that coffee consumption after a certain age it generates “cognitive impairment”, Therefore, excessive intake of this drink could lead to the acceleration of various problems related to memory and other cognitive functions.

This study, whose results were released last July on the occasion of the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC), analyzed the consumption of coffee and tea in relation to fluid intelligence and measures cognitive abilities such as abstract reasoning and the ability to recognize patterns.

As a result of the study, the researchers concluded that drinking more than three cups of coffee a day means a faster weakening of these skills over time.

However, moderate coffee consumption does not seem to have negative effects, but overdoing it may not be advisable. This is according to Kelsey R. Sewell, PhD in Philosophy at the Advent Health Research Institute in Orlando and who led the research, which is based on a study in which more than 8,000 people over 60 years of age were evaluated.

Decreased intelligence and cognitive ability

Unlike what happens with crystallized intelligence, which is the name given to the knowledge that a person accumulates throughout their life, fluid intelligence, which is the ability to solve new problems, reason abstractly and adapt to changing situations, it tends to decrease as the years go by.

In relation to coffee consumption, In this study, it was found that people who consume larger quantities of this drink experience a more pronounced reduction in this capacity compared to those who consume it moderately or do not drink it.

In this research, more than eight thousand older adults from the United Kingdom Biobank were analyzed, which contains detailed genetic and health information. The participants were followed for a period of almost nine years, in which different memory and logical reasoning tests were carried out in order to carry out their cognitive monitoring.

The analysis revealed that people who consumed one to three cups of coffee a day enjoyed better cognitive ability than those who drank four or more cups a day. Furthermore, those who never took it preserved their cognitive functions in comparison with large consumers of this drink.

In the case of tea consumption, different patterns could be seen in the study, and that is that drinking between one and three cups of tea a day helps reduce cognitive decline, while those who never drank tea or drank large quantities could not enjoy the same benefits.

The effects of caffeine on cognitive health

Coffee has a series of bioactive compounds such as chlorogenic acid, caffeine and some antioxidants, which can have different beneficial effects on health. Previous research has suggested that its consumption could reduce the risk of developing different neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

However, the new study has been able to confirm that consuming coffee in excess, especially in the elderly, can be harmful to health, and, as has been explained, a high consumption of this drink can accelerate cognitive deterioration with the passage of time.

One of the mechanisms behind this detrimental effect could be caffeine, a compound that improves attention and performance in the short term, but whose excessive consumption can affect sleep patterns and alter brain functions in a negative way over time. long term. Lack of adequate rest can have a great impact on brain health, especially in older adults.

Taking all of the above into account, experts advise that Coffee consumption is regulated from 60 years of age. From this age onwards, the recommended limit of consuming between one and three cups a day should be maintained, which would be a safe way to take advantage of the benefits of the drink without incurring risks related to cognitive health.

However, a greater number of studies will still need to be carried out to delve deeper into this matter and fully understand the impact it has on the brain. In any case, out of caution, it is advisable to moderate consumption by older people.

Despite all these warnings in older people, coffee is a drink that has certain health benefits, It helps stimulate the mind, relieves headaches and increases alertness and physical performance, in addition to helping to lose weight and protect against different diseases. To enjoy all these benefits, it is essential to consume coffee in moderation, in addition to avoiding drinking it at certain times of the day, such as shortly before going to sleep, as it could affect sleep.

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