The “special” relationship with Milei, Lousteau’s “destructive” ego and what they “say behind” Cristina

The former president Mauricio Macri was interviewed Tuesday night at LN+, where he analyzed the political situation in Argentina: he described his relationship with the president Javier Mileicriticized the “destructive ego” of the radical senator Martin Lousteau and gave his opinion on the internal affairs of Peronism and the position of Cristina Kirchner. In addition, he set a necessary condition so that Pro and La Libertad Avanza (LLA) can form a coalition for the 2025 legislative elections.

In dialogue with journalist Alfredo Leuco, Macri was consulted about the comforting nature of the current head of state and his clashes with opposition leaders and the media. The Pro holder considered that people know that he did not choose “someone standard.” “He didn’t do the Little Red Riding Hood campaign and then become the wolf. He said what he thought and fought, with a psychology in which he feels the conflict personally. “He goes head-on and presents things with frontality and authenticity,” he posed.

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After highlighting Milei’s authenticity, Macri said that this is a characteristic in which most national politicians fail. “Felipe González told me that in Spain 90% of politicians say the same thing in public and in private. Here it is the other way around. The important thing is to be consistent and hold your word. In that sense, he says things as they come and flow to him, and ends up getting involved in fights that he shouldn’t have.”

After that, he highlighted the good relationship they have, with long and regular talks. “The relationship we have with the President is special, honest and generous. “We have had many hours of conversation where the truth is told”he assured. According to him, one of the criticisms he made to the president was that he considered it “dangerous” for him to “disregard” political responsibilities and delegate them to his advisor Santiago Caputo.

Likewise, he insisted on the support that the Government has to advance with its reforms and said that Argentina is going through “a historic moment.” “They elected him with a destructive mandate. That is his mandate: destroy the caste, which he perceives as corporate and mafia and is present in all sectors. There is a piece of each place that has collided so that nothing changes, because the privileges were distributed among them. But Argentina must free itself and generate a space of greater transparency and competition. “This is a country where everyone has a phobia of competing.”

Cristina Kirchner and Mauricio Macri in 2008Mariana Araujo

Later, he was consulted about the back-and-forth that took place on social networks between Milei and former president Cristina Kirchner, in the midst of the dispute over the ownership of the PJ of the former president and the Riojan governor Ricardo Quintela. “Cristina is trying to retain leadership in Peronism, which is being questioned with quite a bit of fear. The things they say to him from behind, what they said when he visited the governors, but they are afraid of him when he is in front. Maybe the Government thinks that it is in its best interest to polarize with her, depending on an election,” Macri said.

At another time, he also questioned the recent statements of the senator and president of the UCR, Martin Lousteau. “This boy has a problem: his ego has transformed him into a destructive and harmful person, and that is what is being experienced in radicalism, unfortunately. He resigned from being ambassador to the United States 20 days before he traveled in my government. I attest that, in the end, it is sad, but the ego is one of the worst problems facing the 21st century,” he considered.

Finally, Macri was consulted about the possibility that the Pro could join in a coalition with La Libertad Avanza. The former president highlighted the collaborative work of his party in Congress and assessed that there could only be a union if a requirement is met. “If there is something that the PRO can contribute, it is knowledge of the terrain. The difference is made by those who have already been there”said.

If there is respect and trust, one can build a coalition and go together, but it doesn’t have to be forced. It has to be a product of the belief that the impetus they have and the strength with which they go out to fight must generate synergy with the experience of having done many things that changed Argentina and that we are the footprint with which they started. Nobody fails to recognize that it is a path that began with the PRO”, explained the head of the match.

Milei and Macri in Congress during the inauguration of the current President

Furthermore, he insisted that “the PRO voter must be happy with the generosity with which the party acted, without asking for anything in return.” “Everyone confirms it: it would not have been possible without the PRO. “It has done what has not been seen in the history of politics, a party that, without being in government, has supported with generosity and responsibility.”he deepened.

Finally, he advised the Government to not only focus on managing the economy, but also on reactivating employment. “One hand can destroy the entire caste that appropriated the rights of Argentines, but with the other we can build and generate spaces that promote employment. Much will depend on stability and whether credit is resumed, “Toto” is right [Luis Caputo]but there are other things that can generate employment on the street. Today people are supporting like never before. Solutions must be transmitted so that people do not become discouraged,” he stated.


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