Sánchez greases the relationship with his Basque partners

Despite the problems, the Government of Pedro Sanchez greases its relations with its two Basque partners, PNV and Bildu, at a key moment for the negotiation of the General State Budgets.

The news of the week, without a doubt, has been that José Antonio Jainaga, president of Sidenor, is running as an industrial partner of Talgo. There was already talk about it until, a few days ago, Talgo announced that it had received an official notification from Sidenor, which confirmed interest in a “total or partial” purchase of the company’s shares.

A welcome news from the Basque governmentas long as a “solid and future industrial plan” is presented. “Yes to the industry in Euskadi and yes to employment in Euskadi,” said the spokesperson for the Executive, María Ubarretxena. The Minister of Industry, Mikel Jauregi, spoke along the same lines, saying that it is “positive” that a Basque businessman “with proven industrial experience” has presented this offer.

The Executive affirms that “they would be willing to help” although, yes, for this to happen three “essential” conditions must be met: project, roots and employment. “It is a priority that there is a solid project with an industrial future for Talgo and that this makes it possible for the company to take root in Euskadi and improve industrial employment,” said Jauregi.

For his part, the central government also welcomes this offer from the private sector. “We understand that it is a process that the company must lead, together with its shareholders, but we are willing to accompany and help in this transition, in obtaining a viable long-term solution and stability in its shareholding,” said the Minister of Economy, Carlos Body.

The Minister of Economy, Carlos Body, with the president of Sidenor, José Antonio Jainaga / ARNAITZ RUBIO - EP

The Minister of Economy, Carlos Body, with the president of Sidenor, José Antonio Jainaga / ARNAITZ RUBIO – EP

“Give governability to the State”

This is not an agreement as such, but it does denote good harmony between the Government of Spain and the PNVmain member of the Basque Government and one of the parliamentary supports of Pedro Sánchez.

Although it is evident that there are discrepancies between both parties, the PNV has made clear its intention to continue supporting the Executive. “The position of the PNV is to try to give governability to the State”said the PNV spokesperson in Congress, Aitor Esteban, in an interview on RNE.

Furthermore, as confirmed by the spokesperson, they continue negotiating to get the budgets forwarda key issue for the legislature. “If there are no budgets, the legislature becomes complicated, but our intention is to continue supporting the Executive.”

Regarding the ‘Koldo case’ wave investigation of the state attorney generalit seems that the Government also has, for the moment, the support of the jeltzales. Regarding the first issue, Esteban stressed – in Onda Vasca – that the “key” is that the report from the UCO of the Civil Guard does not talk about party financing and that the issue of the money bags appears in a journalistic report, but not in the report.

Regarding the attorney general’s investigation, the PNV recognizes that it is a “complicated and unusual” situation for the Government, but they say that the order does not conclude that there are indications, so they consider that it is “premature” to know what should be done.

Sánchez’s visit to Ajuria Enea

Furthermore, Sánchez and the Lehendakari, Imanol Pradales, have shown good tune in their meetings and, so much so that, in the month of July, the president visited Ajuria Eneain Vitoria.

A symbolic and very relevant gesture since it was the first meeting since Pradales took office and only on three previous occasions had a President of the Government visited the Lehendakari’s official residence.

Thus, it seems that Pedro Sánchez has the support of the PNV and the relationship between the two remains strong. Something that is not the case with other partners like Togetherwith whom the tension has been evident for months.

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and the Lehendakari, Imanol Pradales, in Ajuria Enea / ADRIÁN RUIZ HIERRO - EFE

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and the Lehendakari, Imanol Pradales, in Ajuria Enea / ADRIÁN RUIZ HIERRO – EFE

Reform of the ‘Gag Law’

On the other hand, the other Basque partner is Bildu. The latest evidence of the understanding between the nationalist formation and the central government is the recent agreement they reached to reform the ‘Gag Law’.

A law that was attempted to be modified in the previous legislature, but was stalled due to the refusal of Bildu and Esquerra Republicana (ERC), who considered it “insufficient.” Finally, in this legislature the reform has arrived, which includes the elimination of rubber balls or the end of ‘hot returns’.

Behind, there are other agreements such as the Minimum Living Income, the Housing Law, the labor reform or the Democratic Memory Law.

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