What is your relationship with your mother like according to your sign?

On October 20, the third Sunday of the month, Mother’s Day is celebrated and, for astrology, the Moon and its deep meanings take center stage. In a person’s birth chart, the Moon is what gives us valuable information about our bond with them.

Just as we have a sun sign and an ascendant, the moon sign It is the one that symbolizes the relationship with our mother or adult primary caregiver, the emotional world, nutrition, the nest, the place where we feel safe and where we see that our basic needs are met.

“When you know your moon sign you can understand a lot about your relationship with your mother: how you perceived her, how you introjected her,” he explained to Clarion the feminist astrologer Laura Graffigna. This powerful archetype of the birth chart will manifest itself according to the energies of the sign in which it is located.

“If you are a mother you can calculate your son or daughter’s Moon. Use his birth data to understand how he lives with you, how he perceives your care and affection. Obviously your Moon does not define you as a mother, but rather it counts What does your child perceive about you as a mother?“, clarified the astrologer.

Graffigna described some of the most representative attributes of the Moon according to its sign. Therefore, if you are wondering What is your relationship with your mother like? Depending on your moon sign, look for where your Moon is located in the birth chart. Below are their explanations.

What does it say about your relationship with your mother if you are a Moon in Aries?

Aries energy stands out for its courage, drive and quick reaction capacity. Therefore, it is likely that you perceive your mother as a very active, enterprising and impatient figure, who was solving as she went along. You may not realize that he pampered you, but surely He showed you love by encouraging you to believe in yourself. himself/herself.

If you have a Moon in Aries, it is likely that, unlike others, you feel confident in taking the first step when many do not dare. In the face of anguish you may become irritated or that when plans are postponed you become desperate. In general, you make noise so that no one invades or disorients you while you pursue your desire.

What does it say about your relationship with your mother if you are a Moon in Taurus?

Taurus is a persevering, slow-paced and very sensory sign. This will result in you perceiving your mother as a figure who loves pampering, good food and comfort. This sign does things in their time, it will invite you to get to know the world through your senses, to take care of your body and nourish it properly. In addition, your ability to manage resources, save and stay on track always offered you a lot of security.

The Moon in Taurus perceives security in the good life, food and comfort. Photo: Shutterstock illustrationThe Moon in Taurus perceives security in the good life, food and comfort. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

On the other hand, if you have a Moon in Taurus, you may find it difficult to let go and adapt to changes in stressful situations. you cling to the known and you can become possessive. In your relationships, you need to feel that you have a firm, fixed and solid foundation with the other.

What does it say about your relationship with your mother if you are a Moon in Gemini?

Gemini is the “great communicator” of the zodiac. With a mercurial spirit, his energy is restless, curious and agile. Therefore, perhaps you perceive your mother as an eloquent person, always willing to engage in long conversations to show you all his affection. You may remember her as a “multitasking” mom, doing several things at once without losing track of each one.

If your natal Moon is in Gemini, you seek security in the words of others: Talking, expressing yourself and feeling that you are learning with someone gives you confidence. You feel very comfortable in changing environments. You get bored if you feel that others don’t listen to you.

What does it say about your relationship with your mother if you are a Moon in Cancer?

Cancer is ruled by the Moon, so in this sign—its domicile—the luminary displays many of its qualities. You probably perceive your mother as a person emotional, overprotective, sentimental and sweet. His ability is his sensitivity, he knows exactly how you feel, he will seek to contain you and make sure you feel loved.

If you have the Moon in Cancer, it is likely that it’s hard for you to leave the nestmay your clan and your ancestors provoke strong emotions in you. In the face of anguish, you will find security by closing yourself in your shell, like the crab.

What does it say about your relationship with your mother if you are a Moon in Leo?

Leo is the only sign ruled by the Sun, which conditions its creative, spontaneous and self-referential energy. It is likely that you perceive your mother as a person who always attracted attention and She publicly showed that she was proud of their children, like a lioness.

The Moon in Leo feels security standing out and being observed. Photo: Shutterstock illustrationThe Moon in Leo feels security standing out and being observed. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

If you have a Moon in Leo, it is likely that you constantly need others to see you and recognize you; You feel that your mother showed you her affection by helping you excel in everything, always considered you very special. In uncomfortable situations you have a tendency to act with arrogance and superiority, but it is a mask because you do not feel taken into account and you seek external validation.

What does it say about your relationship with your mother if you are a Moon in Virgo?

Virgo energy stands out for its great ability to order and serve others. With the Moon in this earth sign you will surely perceive your mother as someone very detail-oriented who need to feel useful and productive. Show affection by taking special care of the eating habits and bodies of all family members. In contrast, you remember her as a demanding, neat and realistic figure.

The challenge if you have Moon in Virgo will be to make friends with error, balance self-criticism and overcome life’s inevitable failures. You feel very secure in a world controlled down to the last detail and the unpredictability can disconcert you too much.

What does it say about your relationship with your mother if you are a Moon in Libra?

Libra, the zodiacal scale, is a seductive, diplomatic sign, always in favor of balance. Therefore, perhaps you perceive your mother as a conciliatory figurefor whom harmony at home will be a primary value. Fanatic of beauty, fair and polite, she shows you affection by listening to your opinion calmly. In passionate discussions, many times he will not express a position for or against, but that does not mean that he did not pay attention to your arguments.

If your Moon is in Libra, one of your great challenges will be learn to make decisions without distressing you. You seek balance and want everyone to benefit, but sometimes that is not possible. Do not give your power or your responsibility to choose to others.

What does it say about your relationship with your mother if you are a Moon in Scorpio?

Scorpio is the great “healer” of the zodiac. Ruled by Pluto, its energy is intense, intuitive and regenerative. If you have the Moon in this sign, you perceive that your mother has a kind of “x-ray vision” and sense your emotional state without you saying a word. His figure shows you an enormous capacity to sustain situations of high emotional impact without flinching and will accompany you in demanding and healing processes.

The Moon in Scorpio feels safe in intense healing processes. Photo: Shutterstock illustrationThe Moon in Scorpio feels safe in intense healing processes. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

If you have the Moon in Scorpio, you feel familiar with pain, it does not scare you, because you have felt how your mother responds to it without fear. Behind a reserved look, she always offers her shoulder to her affections. Your challenge will be to distinguish how much can you stand to help others to heal.

What does it say about your relationship with your mother if you are a Moon in Sagittarius?

Sagittarius is an expansive, adventurous and enthusiastic sign. With that energy, ruled by Jupiter, you can paint a portrait of what you perceive of your mother: restless, optimistic and, at times, somewhat dogmatic. No one will motivate you more to find the deep meaning of your life. If it seems impractical to others, she will gladly be your teacher and it will be taken seriously that you build your own beliefs and your vision of life.

If you have a Moon in Sagittarius, you are captivated by the great questions of human existence and you feel safe in spaces that share your concern. Your challenge will be learn to face conflictsyou tend to deny uncomfortable truths or underestimate the seriousness of an issue so as not to discuss it.

What does it say about your relationship with your mother if you are a Moon in Capricorn?

Capricorn, “the bosses” of the zodiac, are characterized by a realistic, responsible, pragmatic and ambitious energy. If you have a Moon in this sign, it is likely that you see your mother as someone who applauds and especially cultivates the culture of effort. They find it difficult to ask for help when they assume great responsibilities, but they will not give them up. Maybe you feel distant or cold; but through his actions and everything he built for you he is showing you his love.

The Moon in Capricorn offers you security in an environment where the rules are well defined. In the most important relationships, you may not be as expressive, but you will not run away from the commitment you made. You need to see materialized what you work for and you will have to make friends with your own vulnerability without isolating yourself.

What does it say about your relationship with your mother if you are a Moon in Aquarius?

Aquarius is avant-garde, original and creative. With the Moon in this sign, you are likely to perceive your mother as someone innovative and free, even somewhat absent. Aquarium he needs to do things his way and, faced with certain mandates of a self-sacrificing mother, you might think that she is not always emotionally available. His greatest show of affection will be to teach you how to drive and enjoy your own freedomcultivate a network with others with the idea that you can “change the world.”

The Moon in Aquarius perceives affection in a free and detached way. Photo: Shutterstock illustrationThe Moon in Aquarius perceives affection in a free and detached way. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

If you have Moon in Aquarius, you feel confident in the face of constant changes and revolutionary ideas. However, you will have to work on your tendency to detachment with ties, couples and jobs.

What does it say about your relationship with your mother if you are a Moon in Pisces?

Pisces closes the zodiacal circle and its energy is usually compassionate and resonant with all beings. Therefore, if you have the Moon in this sign, you are likely to perceive your mother as someone sensitive, intuitive, empathetic and with a mystical touch. In your relationship with her, you feel that There’s not a sacrifice I wouldn’t make in order to protect you and ensure that your connection is indestructible.

In any case, your challenge in adulthood will be learn to be more pragmatic and realisticyou take refuge in your own imagination or idealize significant links. Your mother taught you the richness of your inner world, it is up to you to take care of it so that it is your source of inspiration. Use this resource when you need to recharge your energy and rest, but never as a way to escape reality. Dare to bring magic to your daily life.

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