Pollution and climate change compromise the health of waters in Europe

Pollution, habitat degradation, the effects of climate change and the overuse of freshwater resources are putting unprecedented pressure on Europe’s lakes, rivers, coastal waters and groundwater. According to the largest assessment of the health of Europe’s water bodies, published by the European Environment Agency (EEA), Europe is not on track to meet its water health improvement targets in line with EU standards. Better water management is essential to improve water resilience, alleviate pressures on water and ensure that European citizens, nature and industry have enough good quality water.

According to the EEA report “The state of water in Europe in 2024: the need to improve water resilience”, agriculture is the main source of pressure affecting both surface and groundwater. This is due to the use of water and pollution derived from the intensive use of nutrients and pesticides, as monitored by the Member States themselves. Agriculture is by far the largest net consumer of water in Europe and, without changes in practices, demand for irrigated agriculture is likely to increase with climate change.

The EEA report shows that, despite some progress, Europe’s waters and aquatic ecosystems continue to suffer serious effects from chemicals, especially due to atmospheric pollution derived from energy generation from coal and diffuse pollution caused by nutrients and pesticides from agriculture. Habitat degradation is also widespread. Adding to the challenge of protecting aquatic ecosystems is climate change, which is altering weather patterns and further increasing pressures on water resources and their management.

The state of water in Europe in 2024: the need to improve water resilience

Only 37% of Europe’s surface water bodies achieved “good” or “high” ecological status, a measure of the health of aquatic ecosystems, according to the EU Water Framework Directive, and only 29% achieved a “good” chemical status during the period 2015-2021, according to data reported by EU Member States.

The health of Europe’s waters is not good. Our waters face a series of unprecedented challenges that threaten Europe’s water security. We need to redouble our efforts to restore the health of our precious rivers, lakes, coastal waters and other bodies of water and ensure that this vital resource is resilient and safe for future generations. – Leena Ylä-Mononen, EEA Executive Director

Limited progress to date

The measures adopted by the Member States have achieved prevent further deterioration of the state of EU waters addressing some chemical pollution and improving the outlook for some species, such as mussels and crustaceans, but no overall improvement has been detected since the last monitoring cycle.

Europe’s groundwater is in better condition than surface water: 77% is in good chemical status and, in terms of supply, 91% of groundwater is in good quantitative status. However, problems remain in terms of pesticide and nutrient contamination. Groundwater is a key source of drinking water and is necessary for the environment, agriculture and industry.

The EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) established the deadline for achieving the good status of surface and groundwater as 2015, or at the latest, 2027. At the current rate of progress, this deadline will not be met. will comply.

The way forward

Europe’s water resilience can be improved. Reducing water use and improving efficiency are key to addressing water stress in agriculture, industry and the home. Setting targets, focused on water savings or demand reduction, could help drive action and make it easier to track progress towards water resilience. Updated and more timely information on water quantity and quality is also needed to improve water management.

It is necessary reduce pressures and prevent pollutionin line with the objectives of the EU action plan for zero pollution . In the short term, it is necessary to reduce use and prevent the release of harmful substances and nutrients into the water.

Restoring nature or reconnecting rivers and their floodplains and restoring wetlands and peatlands can lead to healthier, more biodiverse freshwater ecosystems, which can supply good quality water while storing carbon and mitigate the impact of extreme climate phenomena.

About the report

The EEA report is the broader assessment of the health of Europe’s water bodies, covering more than 120,000 surface water bodies and 3.8 million km2 of groundwater body area across the EU and Norway. The report is based on data reported by 19 EU Member States. It represents 85% of the surface water bodies and 87% of the surface of groundwater bodies in the EU-27.

All key results and reported data for EU Member States and Norway can be found in the WISE freshwater information system.

The EEA report also complements the European Commission’s upcoming evaluation of the third river basin management plans and the second flood risk management plans, which will take stock of the state of implementation of the Water Framework Directive and the Directive. on floods in the EU.

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