10 keys to improve mental health in the workplace

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Mental health has become a priority challenge for responsible companies. On the occasion of World Mental Health Day, the WHO focuses on the work environment, highlighting how stress, burnout and other psychosocial disorders affect not only the quality of life of employees, but also productivity and business reputation. As organizations recognize the importance of caring for the mental well-being of their workers, key initiatives are emerging to prevent these risks and promote healthier and more sustainable work environments.

10 keys to improve mental health in the workplace

Next October 10th marks World Mental Health Day, a date that this year takes on special relevance for companies. The World Health Organization (WHO) has put mental health in the work environment at the center of the debate, a crucial issue not only for the well-being of employees, but also for the sustainability of organizations. Disorders such as stress and burnout syndrome, which have become the main causes of work absenteeism, generate not only economic losses, but also a negative impact on the reputation and productivity of companies.

According to the Spanish Society of Psychiatry and Mental Health, depression is currently the main cause of permanent work disability in Spain. In this context, the management of psychosocial risks is no longer an optional issue for companies, which must take preventive and corrective measures to protect the health of their employees.

The role of companies in preventing work stress

Companies with a responsible vision must recognize that the mental health of their workers is an essential component to guarantee their long-term success. In fact, recent studies indicate that only 64% of companies in Spain have specific strategies to care for the mental health of their staff. As awareness grows, the work environment is becoming a key space to address these issues.

The Spanish Health and Safety Strategy for 2023-2027 already establishes that the physical and mental health of employees must be treated on equal terms, underlining the importance of creating work environments that promote comprehensive well-being. In this sense, programs such as those developed by the consulting firm Affor Health, specialized in psychosocial well-being, are an example of how companies can implement effective tools to manage stress and avoid burnout.

Without a doubt, one of the great lessons of the pandemic has been the recognition of the importance of flexibility in the work environment. Hybrid or remote models have proven to be beneficial for employees, who report lower levels of stress and greater balance between personal and professional life. More and more companies are implementing Employee Assistance Programs (PAE), which offer psychological counseling services and other resources to accompany workers in complicated situations. These programs, like those developed by Affor Health, include psychologists available online 24/7, as well as digital resources for emotional management and developing coping skills.

Mental well-being in the work environment not only benefits employees, but also positively impacts the productivity and sustainability of companies. Organizations that are committed to preventing and managing psychosocial risks demonstrate a vision of good corporate governance, aligned with the values ​​of sustainability and social responsibility. As more companies adopt these strategies, it will build a healthier and more resilient work environment, where both employees and employers can thrive together.

Affor Health has presented a decalogue with recommendations so that workers and employers can mitigate the impact of work stress and other psychosocial problems:

  1. Organize your time: Planning helps us distinguish what is urgent from what is important and resolve issues in an order of priority, but also not to procrastinate on tasks that we feel less like or that seem more difficult to us.
  2. Set limits. Both on a personal and professional level, knowing how to say no is a relationship strategy with oneself that allows one to live in a healthy way. If your mind feels tired or overwhelmed, it is time to stop to think and organize yourself better.
  3. Stay away from multitasking: Although we may have been led to believe otherwise, the truth is that we cannot do five tasks at the same time, nor fifteen in the time of ten. That would lead us to worsen the quality of our work, make more mistakes and be more tired. All of this is a vicious circle of anxiety that is difficult to manage.
  4. Schedule breaks in your day: It seems that we are going always running, in a hurry and the minutes are counted, but stopping is also much more important than you think. They don’t have to be long pauses or interrupt your rhythm too much. Two minutes on the clock to look up from the screen, breathe deeply, look around you and become aware of the pace at which you are functioning.
  5. Enhances social skills. In different areas of life, but also at work, it is good for our minds to maintain cordial and healthy relationships with others.
  6. Use technology and social networks: It is more than proven that constantly checking our cell phone and email is the biggest deterrent to our concentration and performance and also increases our level of activation.
  7. Organize your mind and workspace. We need to work in a comfortable space, with good light, temperature and order to be able to concentrate and avoid feeling overwhelmed by daily tasks.
  8. Establish healthy lifestyle habits: Body and mind are directly connected. Eating well, getting enough sleep, having spaces to practice relaxation or combating a sedentary lifestyle have a direct impact on the symptoms of stress in our body.
  9. Flexibility or hybrid work: Workers with a hybrid or remote work model enjoy an improvement in their well-being. They avoid the stress of traffic, have time to practice more sports and eat better.
  10. Use the resources that the company puts at your disposal: More and more companies have resources to improve our mental health. This is the case of the Employee Assistance Program (PAE) such as those developed by Affor Health, a psychological counseling service offered by companies to help workers resolve and manage complicated situations that are emotionally affecting their daily lives. , whether professional or personal.

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