Sun, heat and changes in our lifestyle in summer

Summer affects our lifestyle

Summer, with its longer days and higher temperatures, marks a radical change in our lifestyle. We adapt to this warm climate by modifying our daily activities, eating habits and exercise routines. The additional hours of daylight invite us to spend more time outdoors. We enjoy walks in the park, picnics on the beach, afternoons at the pool and sports activities under the bright sun.

At this time of year, light and refreshing meals are desired. Colorful salads, fresh fruits, gazpachos and cold dishes become the protagonists of our table, providing us with the hydration and energy necessary to combat the heat.

Rising temperatures lead us to look for cooler times to exercise. The early morning hours or late afternoon become the preferred time to practice outdoor sports.

However, summer does not only bring positive changes. Rising temperatures can also have adverse effects on health and well-being. It is important to take precautions to avoid dehydration, heat stroke and other problems related to excess temperatures.

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Changes in daily routine

Summer brings significant variations in people’s daily routines. These changes include:

  • Sleep schedule: People often stay up later due to long hours of sunlight.
  • Outdoor activities: There is an increase in activities such as swimming, walking and picnicking.
  • light diet: Lighter meals rich in fresh fruits and vegetables are preferred.
  • Use of transportation: There is an increase in the use of bicycles and walking instead of vehicles.
  • Outfit: Lighter, more comfortable clothing becomes the norm due to rising temperatures.

Impact on diet

Food is part of our lifestyle and summer significantly influences eating habits. High temperatures can cause:

  • Reduced appetite due to heat.
  • Increased consumption of liquids, such as water, juices and isotonic drinks.
  • Preference for lighter and fresher foods, such as salads and fruits.
  • Greater caution in the conservation of perishable foods to avoid food poisoning.
  • Tendency to have meals outdoors, changing the environment and the type of food consumed.

Nutritional needs may also vary, demanding a greater focus on hydration and foods rich in essential vitamins and minerals.

Effects on physical activity

During the summer, significant changes are observed in people’s physical activity. In general, warmer weather and longer days influence it in the following ways:

  • Increase in outdoor activities: People tend to do more sports, such as running, swimming or cycling.
  • Increased risk of dehydration: Heat can cause increased fluid loss, requiring constant hydration.
  • Variety in exercise: New activities such as surfing, beach volleyball and hiking are introduced.
  • Changes in schedules: Many prefer to exercise early in the morning or at the end of the day to avoid the hottest hours.

Influence on sleep

During the summer, sleep patterns can be affected in several ways:

  • Elevated Temperatures: The heat can make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.
  • Wide Sunlight: Longer days and prolonged light exposure can delay the production of melatonin, the sleep-inducing hormone.
  • Changes in Routine: Summer vacations and activities can disrupt normal bedtimes and wake-up times.
  • Environmental Noise: Increased outdoor activities can generate more noise, disturbing your night’s sleep.

These variations can affect the quality of your night’s rest.

Alterations in mental health

Summer can significantly affect people’s mental health due to various reasons:

  • Extreme Heat: Excessive heat can generate irritability and anxiety.
  • Changes in Sleep: High temperatures can disrupt sleep, causing fatigue and stress.
  • Altered Routine: Vacations and free time can lead to the loss of daily structure, affecting emotional stability.
  • Social Expectations: The pressure to participate in social activities can increase anxiety levels.

These alterations highlight the importance of properly managing mental well-being during the summer months.

Changes in the work environment

In summer, the work environment undergoes several changes to accommodate the high temperatures and change of pace:

  • Flexible schedule: Many companies allow flexible or reduced work hours to avoid the hottest hours.
  • Outfit: Dress codes are relaxed, promoting lighter and more comfortable clothing.
  • Telecommuting: Increase adoption of remote work to reduce commuting during heat waves.
  • Air conditioning: The use of air conditioning and fans is increased to maintain safe working conditions.
  • Productivity: Fluctuations in productivity may be observed due to heat-related fatigue.


Summer impacts various aspects of lifestyle. These include:

  • Physical activity: Increase the number of outdoor activities such as cycling, swimming and walking.
  • Eating routines: Switch towards lighter, fresher foods, such as salads and fruits.
  • Hydration: Increase fluid intake to combat the heat.
  • Fashion and clothing: Choose breathable, light, and light-colored clothing.
  • Schedule: Longer days allow for more outdoor activities.
  • Mental health: Sun exposure improves mood, but it is crucial to protect yourself from UV radiation.

Ambientum Editorial

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